There was a family down our street, With a girl named Sue and a boy called Pete. The mum and dad made up the four And they lived in the house with the green front door.
They had some pets - just three of those; A tortoise with a pointed nose, A cat named Min and, best of all, A dog called Garth, who could catch a ball.
They loved that dog, did Sue and Pete; And so did the rest of the kids in the street. They played a game with bat and ball And Garth always took the most catches of all.
With Garth in the field, the game went fast. That running dog was a blur as he passed While catching the ball between his jaw, Then spitting it out, getting ready for more.
However, out there on that ball-game pitch, Things were not going without a hitch. There was something wrong, you could really tell By a most incredible, horrible smell.
When Pete played ball and Garth came along, There was always an awful pungent pong. It made the kids all stop and think - What was this hideous, rotten stink?
They checked each other, they checked the ground; They breathed and looked and sniffed around. They really didn’t know what to do As they held their noses, exclaiming, “Pooh!”
And when they’d simply had enough, Sue said, “It’s time that we got tough And found the source of this foul smell.” Then suddenly, she gave a yell………
“I think I’ve found the reason for The smell we’ve all been looking for! It’s HIM!” She pointed straight at Garth, “We’ve never given him a bath!”
They looked at Garth and took a sniff. Oh, what an odour, what a whiff! Garth wagged his tail and bounced around - A most offensive, smelly hound!
Said Sue to Pete, “I know we should Give Garth a bath, d’you think we could?” “You’re right,” said Pete, “I’ll find some stuff; That old tin tub should be big enough.”
So, half the mates of Pete and Sue Each found a separate job to do. They filled the tub, they fetched some soap, They found a brush and a length of rope.
They called to Garth and looked inviting, But other things were more exciting For Garth to see and for Garth to do, Than inspecting water with Pete and Sue.
Garth didn’t care about the soap, He didn’t want to be tied with rope; He saw no reason to answer their call. He’d really much rather chase the ball.
The kids, they ran and called to Garth, But he didn’t want to take a bath. A game is what he had in mind. So he raced away - a ball to find.
And then, Pete had a great idea. He called out loud for the kids to hear: “Let’s all play ball and ignore the bath.” And so they did - and along came Garth.
They threw the ball high, they threw it low. You should have seen that Garthy go! He caught the ball, then gave it up, (A most obliging, playful pup).
Then Pete threw it high up, out of sight; The ball reached an amazing height. The kids and Garth all watched it fly Right up into the sunny sky.
And, as it started to head for earth (The kids all saw and shared their mirth); Garth’s full attention was in the air - On the flying ball, as it tumbled there.
And, when it landed in a flash, The entire neighbourhood heard the splash – The ball had landed in the bath, And in with the ball went smelly Garth!
“PSHWOOFSH!” went Garth, coming up for air, As Sue tied him tight to keep him there. The poor dog pulled against the rope, While the kids all covered his hair with soap.
They scrubbed and rubbed and hosed as well. And slowly rid Garth of his terrible smell. He splashed in the water (and drank some too), And shook his wet ears all over Sue.
Once Garth decided that this was OK, He relaxed in the water and started to play. He grabbed at the ball as it bobbed about And enjoyed what he’d been always without.
So, now when the kids go out in the street To play ball games with Sue and Pete, That dog is the favourite – he’s “Number One”, And nowadays they have more fun;
‘Cause when they play and run along There’s no longer the horrible, nasty pong. There’s only a dog who smells so clean That everyone knows just where he’s been. He’s the dog who simply loves a bath - He’s gorgeous, cuddly, sweet-smelling Garth!