DEATH IN THE DESERT Crawling, lost and desperate, over the sand dunes of the Great Sandy Desert, he was losing consciousness. His now-crazed mind wandered back to his life as part of rock’n’roll royalty. A blazing sun beat down on his bare torso as a mirage of clear sweet water appeared directly in front of him. ‘Water, water,’ he gasped with his second last breath. Orange blood trickled from one side of his mouth, as he re-lived dreams from his youth, when it was psychedelic effects of hallucinogenic drugs that altered his mind, not dehydration and death throes that were now his lot. (99 words)
This was a Writers’ Group task, Feb.,2021. A story of no more than 100 words. Must be set in the Great Sandy Desert and contain the words, ‘orange’, ‘psychedelic’ and ‘blood’.