New Year’s message — 2016 to 2022/23 — anything changed?
A reader recently commented on a New Year’s message I wrote, way back in 2016, six years ago. I thought I’d see if my wishes for 2023 matched those I had for 2017. Of course, in 2016, we had no idea of what was to come in the form of Covid-19 pandemic. How oblivious we were! But I did wish for: 1. “A new generous and compassionate attitude to be spread around”. *Still waiting… 2. “ALL politicians, to rethink past decisions and try again, with a redistribution of riches”. *Still waiting… 3. “Curbing of consumerism, to stop rampant capitalism, putting a check on the greed factor”. *Still waiting… 4. “For everyone who wants employment have it”. *Still waiting…(maybe getting there?) 5. “To care for the environment in every way possible… *Still waiting... 6. “To NOTICE the intense weather happenings — floods, fires, blizzards, rising sea levels — and do everything we can to halt global warming/climate change” (This was originally written when Tony Abbott said that Climate Change was “crap”). Thank goodness more people have woken up!) *Still waiting... 7. “To consider the land that is Australia. A land that has been ravaged and pillaged by the white man for a couple of hundred years. We’ve dug up gold, coal, silver, iron ore, copper, zinc, lead and uranium (gulp!) to the point of wanton vandalism. There’ll soon be more holes than country. The destruction is massive & it’s time to stop. And “get coal mines out of Queensland!” * *Still waiting 8. Build smaller homes. *Still waiting... 9. “Stop random baby-making and ‘discarding’ of those you make, through lack of care. (You know what I mean). * Still waiting So, you see, we can wish for LOTS of GOOD things in the coming year —no harm in wishing, I suppose, but most of my hopes for 2017, quite frankly and disappointingly, have stayed unfulfilled. However, we did get a new PM, here in Australia, which seems to be a GOOD thing. Fingers crossed. For now, my biggest and most sincere wish is for everyone to be HAPPY. . . and Covid free. Please wear a face mask. Believe me, it saves you from infection. May 2023 be the year that war will cease and Covid be obliterated. We shall see. Best wishes to all for 2023. AND WEAR A FACE MASK WHEN OUT AND ABOUT. __________________________________________________________________ *Just had to add in 2022: (facts from three years ago but still relevant) “of the top 100 companies that paid no tax, 22 were fossil fuel companies, meaning most coal and gas companies are not contributing a cent to the cost of the natural disasters their product is fuelling".
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Author notesI choose to comment on social issues and write creatively on a variety of subjects - for a variety of audiences.
January 2024