Fairly grim reading in the newspapers lately.
Only a few more days until Donald Trump gains office in US and I am worried about the many (ridiculing) jokes being broadcast against him - and so much negative spouting of opinions that I fear he may retaliate once he gets to his new position, with a sort of “I’ll show ‘em” attitude. What mayhem he could produce! I hope there are enough safeguards in place. Meanwhile, in this crazy world, here in Australia we are watching the unedifying behaviour of our ‘esteemed’ Health Minister as she tries to worm herself out of a scandal, explaining how she came to take several tax-payer funded trips to the Gold Coast, where, amongst other things, she and her partner happened to buy a $800,000 holiday apartment just on a whim. No, of course she didn’t travel to the Gold Coast specifically to purchase this (negative geared, money making) apartment; she was there on official government business and just happened to take the opportunity to buy. (Just what the government business was that she was attending to has yet to be declared). This, to me is another indication of the ‘sense of entitlement’ that has infiltrated not only our politicians’ actions but in the lives of many people who have more money to spend than most. (And some without money, I might add). While I am reading about politicians (and others!) who seem to think they are entitled to as much money and privilege as they can muster - by fair means or foul - without actually breaking any rules or doing much work, I am also reading a book by the English author, Alan Bennett.* In a talk delivered at Kings College Cambridge (June 2014) Mr Bennett bemoans the fact that “…pragmatism…[is reduced to] the simplistic assumption that the basis of human nature is self-interest” and “…the only motive deserving of trust = self promotion and self- advancement”. He is naturally not in favour of this attitude, stating that it is very often a callous approach. I have to agree. Sadly, this self-advancement at any cost is now very much in evidence in many individuals and I fear for it becoming the standard approach to any endeavour. It certainly seems that a certain sense of entitlement is becoming common. It’s almost childish behaviour. But, what happens when everyone (moneyed or not) has this attitude? Is this something that will cause more than a little dissension amongst both young and old? Now, I can’t see too many really old people expecting to have everything given to them but how frustrating to watch as others display such self aggrandisement as their right! And, while we are on the subject of the elderly…there are some disturbing reports lately of assaults in nursing homes. How dreadful is that? But, to again quote Alan Bennett, “Profit is now the sole yardstick against which all our institutions must be measured” with “…profit taking precedence over any other consideration.” Which leads me naturally to the subject of profit making aged-care business: What a shame that it has come to this. That individuals and companies are making huge profits from nursing homes for the aged! It’s almost not surprising that there are assaults, with stress from understaffed, over-worked and underpaid situations being the norm – to ensure profits, of course, as against genuine care. Have I done enough complaining and moaning and whingeing for today? Donald Trump, greedy politicians and neglected elderly? I could go on! But one last note. I have just read this in today’s news. It is Donald Trump’s latest comment concerning his upcoming inauguration: “We are going to have an unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout for the inauguration, and there will be plenty of movie and entertainment stars," Trump said. "All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It's hard to find a great dress for this inauguration." Astounding in its ‘dumbness’...how shallow! * 'Keeping On Keeping On', Alan Bennett
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Author notesI choose to comment on social issues and write creatively on a variety of subjects - for a variety of audiences.
January 2024