Of all the billionaires in Australia I am choosing Gina Rinehart — to pretend to have access to her money.
The latest estimation of Gina’s wealth accumulation (I hesitate to use the term ‘worth’) is around $29.6 (U.S.) billion. Now, a BILLION of anything is almost impossible to comprehend, but, if Gina wished to spend all her $$billions on herself, some have estimated it would take her about a hundred lifetimes to do so. So, I have devised a few ways to help her spend: Just pondering about a couple of items in the News lately. Firstly, the shocking revelations about the mistreatment of young people in youth detention facilities; the harm dished out — physical and mental — resulting in them being traumatised and, ultimately, worse offenders. Here’s what I would do: Instead of concrete and steel cells, armed guards and 23 hour a day lock-up, I would spend squillions on making accommodation for young offenders into comfortable housing; a bedroom, with ensuite for each kid. Make sure the bed is comfortable, with the occupier’s choice of quilt or blankets. Provide top quality everything, including toiletries. Crazy? Maybe, but worth a try. And, let’s face it—anything is better than what is. Until (hopefully) the resident is able and willing to look after his own room, have it cleaned and tidied professionally daily. Fresh sheets and towels a must. Then, create daytime to evening activities to interest and involve the youngsters. Make physical activities fun. Have woodwork, mechanics, creative art and craft of all sorts available. NO locking up. (Apart from the periphery fence, of course). Create meals that are tasty and nourishing. Show by example how to eat good meals. No lecturing. Sure, there will be miscreants who will muck up and wreck things but remember that these kids mostly had horrific starts to their lives. Ensure superabundant helpful, compassionate and caring staff are present 24 hours of the day. Of course, all of this will need absolute buckets of money to do…but, guess what? This GR spend will hardly make a dent. It may use up one of the billions, but, hey? That’s okay. Secondly, my next big spend of GR money would be to set up a car manufacturing plant (maybe in South Australia?) to produce electric vehicles. Imagine an Australian EV. How good that would be. And the best part is that, after ten or twenty years, this manufacturing company could be making a handy profit. Win, win. This is just me, using GR money. There are always more billions to be fantasised about. Try some of real estate dealer Harry Triguboff’s. (Currently ‘worth’ $21.5 U.S. billion). Or the lesser James Packer at only $3.8B, or Clive palmer’s $2B. Of course, don’t forget Andrew Forrest, at $17.8B - even as he makes out to be a sweet and generous philanthropist. Mike Cannon-Brookes has piles of billions – it’s a movable feast as he actually does occasionally use some $$$ for good. BUT, oh, what we, the impoverished, could do with these billions! Next fantasy:
Author notesI choose to comment on social issues and write creatively on a variety of subjects - for a variety of audiences.
January 2024